Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Blog notes IV

Every time I write about you something strange happens: your image either becomes stronger, and there is no chance for me to escape from the spell, or it fades away, being replaced by another one (which usually is more better - because it is an ideal one, a fictionalized figure). When your image is growing weaker, I am thinking that I am on the right path. When it is too strong, I simply remember things that happened. I remember every single word you said, every gesture, every move you made. I really hate it that I have such a good memory!

What I admire most is your great character, that power and energy that make you special. On the other hand, I know perfectly that I will consider you interesting as long as I feel your strength. Show me that your arms are strong enough to hold me! Don't ever show me that you are weak, otherwise you will become an ideal that is going to be destroyed.

In a relationship there is always somebody who kisses and the other one who turns the cheek to be kissed. I used to be kissed. I only played the Queen of Hearts role, having the feeling that I deserved everything. I believed in me too much. And now, when I feel the need to kiss, I am afraid to do it. I am afraid that I will be rejected, I am afraid that you won't like my kiss. And if that happened, it would make my blood freeze. How much I do understand what I didn't before.

I used to dream a lot. In fact, I am still dreaming... I am living in my imagery world, dreaming of you. But your icy look always brings me back to the real life. Your impersonal and formal words, although so nicely spoken, will always destroy the magic. I am not supposed to dream.

I learnt my lesson well. I noticed that it is much better to stay with the person who is following you, making you feel bored, than to run after somebody, making them feel bored.

And if I eventually cause myself to forget everything about you, why am I so sad when I am thinking that you will not be in my dreams any longer?

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