Friday, October 12, 2007

Blog notes V

I remember perfectly the first time I saw you. You were standing there, so proud and apparently insensitive, waiting for my words. What impressed me the most was your intense look. I started to speak. By the time I was revealing my story in the discourse I was engaged in, I saw your smile, both arrogant and encouraging. And that smile made me lose my words. For the first time in my life I didn't know what to say.

I felt you really strong. I was afraid; afraid of you. I knew that I would never dare to lie to you (when I say lie, I mean I would never say something which is not completely true). I was not able to recreate my reality so that I could feel protected. I felt disarmed by your gestures.

After a while, I saw you again. When I looked into your eyes I felt the same emotion that I experienced when I first met you. And that happened every time my eyes encountered your blue look.

Fortunately, your nicely spoken, but still impersonal words brought me to the real world. I realized that I had to make myself a Sentimental education, in order to escape from your spell. And this is not difficult at all. When thinking of those bad things that usually happen in the world, does it matter one's individual pain?

Well, I believe it depends on the individual's nature. When thinking (at least) about those children who don't have the chance to develop and show their intellectual potential, some of us might feel extremely sad. And others could encounter the happiness only because they don't have imagination at all.

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