Sunday, October 7, 2007

Few words addressed to somebody special: to you

This time, I will be thinking about you - the readers who discover patiently the ideas I want to share, agreeing or disagreeing, but still waiting for my next article.

There are some people strongly anchored in the real life. Those persons may consider my blog a blog about nothing or, at least, a blog about nothing important. I cannot blame them, since for a truly pragmatic person there is no time left to dream, imagine, think and question.

There is another category of people, whom the articles from my blog address to, mainly anchored in a special existence, extremely different from the real life. These types of persons usually read my notes, understand them and think about the meaning of my written words. I must confess that these persons, who do have a special relation to the world of ideas, are the main reason why I am still writing. And I will be writing as long as there will be somebody waiting for my texts.

My existence is split in two: on the one hand, I am living in the real world, doing things that should be done. This is the main reason why I can understand the pragmatic minds around us. On the other hand, I belong to an unreal world, a special world that only few people have access to. This is a sort of matrix, a shelter that can protect me from both others' unfriendly attitudes and my uninspired decisions (sometimes) .

This world, so different from that one we are used to, is all that matters, because it helps us develop our sensitiveness and creativity. And I am sure of it that it is worth spending all our lives trying to find a way to gain access to it.

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