Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blog notes III

In one of his books, that teacher of mine about whom I told you last week compares Don Juan with Faust, writing that Don Juan's Love is a sport, but Faust's Love is an experience of knowledge. I couldn't agree more. Don Juan is an adventurer travelling the world, being in Love with the appearance of life, but Faust is an extremely profound figure, whose soul is so composite that you could hardly imagine anything but his love for the essence of life.

Unfortunately, nowadays, most of young men take Don Juan as an example instead of Faust, but we hope that they will gradually change at some time or other.

Faust's strongest wish is to understand the great mysteries that will remain unrevealed to others. He made a huge sacrifice following his strong desire of being different, of being what we call a Genius.

By loving Gretchen, that pure young girl, he tries to reach a superior understanding of life. He tries to know himself better by means of her love. The real love implies the strong desire of being reflected in the other one's eyes, having the feeling that nothing else matters.

Do you know why the love between Faust and Gretchen didn't resist in this world? Because they were very different. He was so ambitious, risking anything to accomplish his mission, to gain infinite knowledge - she was so pure, a figure without the minimum courage to assume any risk. He was flying - she was trudging, walking under the powerful influence of the gravity.

Think about what could it happen if their souls were very similar! They would have been together both in this world and in the other one (no matter what this could mean). And this is our dream. We all need to find somebody just like us. And that person ought to have all the qualities we have and expect from them, as well.

What happens when you choose a person different from yourself? Well, unfortunately, later or soon you begin to feel disappointed, you lose the admiration you used to feel and all ends up very painful.

I wonder why we feel attracted by the wrong persons. It is so difficult to make the right decision. On the other hand, once made, the action is quite irreversible. It takes more than courage and great effort to come back on your feet again, because it will always remain a wound or, if you are lucky, a scar in your soul.

I have a wound and I hope that it will become a scar in short time from now on. I have to learn to be strong, to learn to avoid waiting for my life to pass, being interested only by the moments when I could see your eyes, wondering whether you know my name, wondering whether you remember me just a little bit. It's amazing how a person whom you didn't even touch so far could step so deep into your world, becoming a part of you, isn't it?

But all that is born later or soon will die. And so will happen to our feelings. What may be painful today could make you smile tomorrow, because Everything Changes.

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