Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blog notes II

A great teacher of mine used to say that by reading you will estrange yourself from Death. I am saying that not only by reading, but also by writing you will estrange yourself from Death. Do you know why? Because what is written will always remain. Your deepest thoughts, your inner feelings will take shape and everybody will have access to them, will agree or disagree, will have a natural empathy or even the opposite. Even though once written, the words will not belong to you anymore, but to those who will use them when reading your ideas, a little piece of your heart will be there, embodied in the letters.

I must confess that I am not writing to get away from Death. What is Death? Probably we will never know for sure. It could be an ending but also a beginning, because every ending is a beginning of something different. And that something different could be even much better than our ordinary lives.

Have you ever thought about what could it happen when the body fails to support the energy of our souls? Well, the body remains in its position (and it becomes no longer important) and the spirit will be searching for something better. I am saying better, because we ought to believe that it will be an evolution (not an involution).

Think about this passing to a different level. It could be a painful process, or not. If not, you will probably notice the difference at some time or other. If there is great pain, think about it as a natural state. The pain generated by a damaged body could be the same as the pain that a new-born child (or an unborn child) may feel. So, the agony of the alteration and the ecstasy of the regeneration will merge.

As I have already said, I am not writing to estrange myself from Death. I am doing that in order to heal my soul, to escape from the obsession of an image both afflicting and beloved. I need to educate myself, to get away from the strong desire of looking into those capricious eyes that could send me in Heaven or Hell. There is a long way out but I hope I will eventually have my soul healed.

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