Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why literature?

In my opinion, literature is one of the most important values that we should cherish. I am sure of it and I will try to explain the reason why we can find great importance in literary works.

It is universally acknowledged that we all need models to follow. In literary creations we can encounter exponential values that we could either adopt or reject. If you analyze carefully the behaviour of one particular figure, you can find either things that are worth a lot or even the opposite.

On the other hand, by examining very carefully every detail in the character's life, you will get a better understanding of your past, present and, why not, your future situation. The whole point is to manage to choose the right figure. If you succeed in finding such a character, you will have either the feeling of a natural empathy or the impression of a strange identity.

I know that critics may not agree with me, but isn't it an exciting way of reading literary works?

Literary characters may help us shape our personality. Self-fashioning is the most important thing that we ought to do in our lives. We should always try to improve the way we see and hear everything around us - to improve the way we perceive the reality. If we do not see and hear anything, then we must learn to do that. As far as I am concerned, this is the most important lesson that we have to learn: to become sensible and especially sensitive to the needs of the persons around us and to do our best to help.

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